The certified senior athletic trainer provides athletic training services to patients and clients of Northeast Georgia Physicians Group Sports Medicine (NGPG) in the college setting. These services may include, but not limited to, on site assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation of acute injuries, education, exercise conditioning, and school insurance policy management. The senior athletic trainer works closely with the NGPG Sports Medicine physicians to enhance the all around care given to the patients and clients of NGPG Sports Medicine. The certified senior athletic trainer works independently at the college setting as the liaison between student athlete, school administration, and NGPG/NGHSA by following the guidelines of the National Athletic Training Association and the Georgia Athletic Trainer Licensure Act. Employee performs clinical duties in accordance with population specific guidelines and adheres to National Patient Safety Goals as outlined in policy and procedure. This position is for college coverage.
Provides cost effective and high quality care to patients served. These services may include rehabilitation of injuries, education, exercise conditioning, injury screening, and on-site treatment and care of acute injuries.
1A Provides patient care consistent with the medical findings, physician orders, and established plan of care. Follows departmental policy and procedure preserving patient confidentiality, privacy and dignity. Completes appropriate documentation in a timely manner.
1B The senior athletic trainer will be designated as their school's 'head' athletic trainer and will oversee all athletic services and medical care. The senior athletic trainer will provide athletic training coverage at sporting events, along with prevention and education about sports related injuries. Creates and develops a good working rapport with students, parents, coaches, athletic director, school administration, and physicians. The senior athletic trainer works independently as the liaison between student athlete, school administration, and NGPG/NGHS by settings following the guidelines of the National Athletic Training Association and the Georgia Athletic Trainer Licensure Act.
1C Documents treatment procedures following departmental policies and procedures and in compliance with third party payers guidelines. The senior athletic trainer will run monthly audit reports to help aid in appropriate and timely documentation of injuries, treatments and rehabs occurring at the school.
1D Accomplishes good clinical outcomes using national benchmarks and comparisons to others in the same service area. Will regularly review research associated with the sports medicine specialty to ensure clinical care is updated, with the result of good patient outcomes
1E The senior athletic trainer coordinates therapy, whether physical and occupational, with other assistant athletic trainers and physical therapists employed with NGPG/NGHS in order to provider the best care.
1F The Senior Athletic trainer is tasked with filling out initial insurance & injury claims to the school's accident policy. The senior AT is to be liaison the schools insurance coordinator to answer questions regarding the status of the claims advising them as to how to proceed.
1G The senior athletic trainer is responsible for scheduling all MD visits and follow-up.
1H The senior athletic trainer is responsible for injury reports provided to school coaches and administration on a weekly basis. The senior athletic trainer will also meet monthly with the NGPG Athletic Training Manager to conduct documentation audits.
1I The senior athletic trainer appropriately educates the student athlete as to their injury, treatment, and rehabilitation, per the governing athletic authority. If applicable, the senior athletic trainer will communicate to the parents/guardians if the athlete is a minor. The senior athletic trainer will also work in conjunction with NGPG practice managers to provide appropriate information regarding payment costs for office visits and services, along with timely payment of medical bills. In conjunction with NGPG and NGHS Personnel, the senior athletic trainer will schedule and facilitate appropriate educational talks regarding issues relative to physical & mental well-being.
1J The senior Athletic Trainer is responsible for communicating with NGPG's medical director of sports medicine, relative to policies and procedures. They will collaborate and appropriately update NGPG's policies and procedures with the latest research.
1K The senior athletic trainer will communicate directly with the Athletic Director of any purchases needed for appropriate ATR operations. The senior athletic trainer is directly responsible for bidding out any supply needs and will work to be a good financial steward for both NGPG and the school. The senior athletic trainer will work directly with NGPG's athletic training manager and purchasing team to provide additional costs savings for the school
1L The senior athletic trainer is responsble for any request relative to drug-testing , as requested by the school administration. They will work in conjunction with our NGPG Occupational Health in timely
1M The senior athletic trainer is responsible for meeting on the month opposite the AT department meeting, with NGPG's athletic training manager. The senior athletic trainer will discuss current needs, problems. They will work to update NGPG's Emergency Action Plans (EAPs), policies and procedures, and other position statements relative to athletic training operations.
1N The senior athletic trainer will work directly with the AT manager and recruitment to aid the efforts of attracting new talent into NGPG. All efforts will focus on providing future candidates with the mission, vision, and goals of NGPG to ensure we provide the best healthcare at the right place and time, to all the communities we serve.
1O The senior athletic trainer will collaborate with local companies that provide athletic training and sports medicine services, to ensure effective transfer of care despite the location of the sporting events. The senior AT will share NGPG's policies and procedures, emergency action plans, or any other school policy with outside medical personnel and entities, to ensure continuity of medical care.
1P The senior athletic trainer will collaborate with local universities and athletic training programs to ensure continued education to future athletic trainers.
1Q The senior athletic trainer will keep up with current research in the field of sports medicine, and will endeavor to present at the AT monthly department meetings.
Contributes to the effective operation of the department by consistently meets and exceeds department productivity standards (monthly average) and demonstrates good time management and organizational skills.
Communicates effectively and demonstrates good customer service and interpersonal skills.
3A Consistently initiates positive and professional communication with medical and department staff and community outreach contacts as evidenced by peer review, surveys, and observation.
3B Demonstrates flexibility by pro-actively resolving conflicts, scheduling problems, and completing assignments in a timely manner.
3C Exhibits effective team work and interdisciplinary team-building skills as evidenced by manager observation, peer review, and outside community contacts.
3D Actively participates in customer service surveys and averages a score of 3.5 or above on individual and department surveys.
3E The senior athletic trainer will work with the NGPG athletic training manager on specific initiatives to improve press ganey results.
3F The senior athletic trainer communicate directly with NGPG practice management on any negative patient interactions resulting in an RL/Variance being entered into the NGHS system. They will work to de-escalate any situation that was due to poor communication on behalf of any NGPG or school official.