We are a global leader of innovative and comprehensive laboratory services that helps doctors, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, researchers and patients make clear and confident decisions. Through our unparalleled diagnostics and drug development laboratory capabilities, our 67,000+ employees combine cutting-edge innovation, science and technology to solve some of today’s biggest health challenges, accelerate life-changing healthcare breakthroughs and impact lives around the world.
A career at Labcorp is an experience like no other. From clients and patients to the people you work side-by-side with, there is a higher sense of purpose here. It's one place that links you to the experiences that suit your goals. You'll enjoy a challenging career with opportunities for advancement in an influential and expanding company. So whether medical or management, sales or service, you'll stay connected to what matters most to you.
Each day, we're committed to the principles of equal employment opportunity for all employees and applicants for employment. Advancement opportunities and employment decisions will be made without regard to race, religion, sex, color, citizenship status, sexual orientation, age, disability, marital status, national origin, veteran status or any other characteristic protected under federal, state or local law.
Connect To Something Amazing
At Labcorp, we understand what's important - it's the people whose lives we help improve that matter most. We connect our company and our people in ways that few companies can. Each day, our team members have an opportunity to build rewarding careers and experience the satisfaction of knowing the work they do helps save lives.
Laboratory Scientist - Clinical Pathology Services
Harrogate, United Kingdom
Laboratory Analyst - In Vivo Metabolism
Harrogate, United Kingdom
Houston, Texas
Bristol, Tennessee
Phlebotomist Specialist-Client Office
Alpharetta, Georgia
Phlebotomist Specialist-Client Office
Peachtree City, Georgia
IOP Phlebotomist
Fairhope, Alabama
Las Vegas, Nevada
Specimen Accessioner/Lab Associate
McKees Rocks, Pennsylvania
Phlebotomist - Float
Melrose, Massachusetts
Phlebotomist Specalist
Clayton, Georgia
Clinical Laboratory Team Lead for Special Chemistry
Burlington, North Carolina
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