At Duke Health, we're driven by a commitment to compassionate care that changes the lives of patients, their loved ones, and the greater community. No matter where your talents lie, join us and discover how we can advance health together.
About Duke University Hospital
Pursue your passion for caring with Duke University Hospital in Durham, North Carolina, which is consistently ranked among the best in the United States and is the number one hospital in North Carolina, according to U.S. News and World Report for 2023-2024. Duke University Hospital is the largest of Duke Health's three hospitals and features 1048 patient beds, 65 operating rooms, as well as comprehensive diagnostic and therapeutic facilities, including a regional emergency/trauma center, an endo-surgery center, and more.
Occ Summary
Provide clinical assessment, physiological monito ring and testing toassist with diagnosis, management, and prevention of sleep relateddisorders with the use of various diagnostic and therapeuti c toolsproviding care to patients of all ages. These tools include but a re notlimited to polysomnography, scoring of clinical events according t oprofession and laboratory guidelines (such as respiratory events,cardia c events, limb movements, arousals, etc.), generating accuratereports by tabulating sleep/wake and clinical event data, titratingpositive airway pressure devices, oximeter, capnography, actigraphy,nocturnal oxygen, s creening devices, and questionnaires.
Work Performed
Level 1* Verify the medical order and protocol.* Explain the procedure a nd orient the patient to the sleep center.* Prepare and calibrate equipm ent required for testing to determineproper functioning.* Perform routin e PAP mask fitting.* Apply electrodes and sensors according to accepted publishedstandards.* Assist with following "lights out" procedures to es tablish anddocument baseline values (such as body position, oxyhemoglobi nsaturation, respiratory and heart rates, etc.)* Assist and observe poly somnography data acquisition.* Document routine observations, including sleep stages and clinicalevents, changes in procedure, and other signifi cant events in order tofacilitate scoring and interpretation of polysomn ography results.* Assist with appropriate interventions (including actio ns necessary forpatient safety and therapeutic intervention (e.g. BPAP, O2administration).* Assist with following "lights on" procedures to veri fy integrity ofcollected data and complete the data collection process. (e.g. learn toperform the physiological and instrument calibrations and instructs thepatient on completing questionnaires, etc.)* Perform routin e polysomnography data acquisition while monitoringstudy-tracing quality to ensure signals are artifact-free.* Identify and report signal abnorm alities.* Demonstrate the knowledge and skills necessary to recognize an dprovide age specific care in the treatment, assessment and education of adolescent, adult, and geriatric patients.Level 2* Perform all duties of the Level 1.* Review history, physical information, medications, proced ure requestand study protocol.* Prepare and calibrate equipment required for testing to determineproper functioning and make adjustments, if nec essary.* Perform "lights out" procedures to establish and document basel inevalues(such as body position, oxyhemoglobin saturation, respiratory a ndheart rates, etc.).* Independently perform routine and c-pap/split pol ysomnography dataacquisition while monitoring study-tracing quality to e nsure signals areartifact-free and make adjustments, if necessary.* Impl ement appropriate interventions (including actions necessary forpatient safety and therapeutic intervention (e.g. BPAP, O2administration).* Perf orm "lights on" procedures to verify integrity of collected dataand comp letethe data collection process. (e.g. learn to perform thephysiologica l and instrument calibrations and instructs the patient oncompleting que stionnaires, etc.).Level 3* Perform all duties of the Level 1 and 2.* Co llect, analyze and integrate patient information in order toidentify and meet the patient-specific needs (physical/mentallimitations, current em otional/physiological status regarding thetesting procedure, pertinent m edical/social history) to determine finaltesting parameters/procedures i n conjunction with the ordering physicianor clinical director and labora tory protocols.* Explain pre-testing, testing and post-testing procedure s to thepatient.* Perform routine and complex PAP mask fitting.* Perform routine and complex PAP/split/BPAP/ASV polysomnography dataacquisition while monitoring study-tracing quality to ensure signals areartifact-fre e and make adjustments, if necessary.* Perform positive airway pressure (PAP) mask fitting.* Follow procedural protocols [such as Multiple Sleep Latency Test(MSLT), Maintenance of Wakefulness Test (MWT), parasomnia s tudies, PAP,oxygen titration etc.] to ensure collection of appropriate d ata.* Oversees and performs difficult and unusual procedures and therape uticinterventions.* Performs needed maintenance on equipment to include communication ofproblem to co-workers, appropriate vendor or the supervi sor.* Troubleshoots equipment and lab issues independently, considered a nequipment super user.* Demonstrates ability to analyze complex situatio ns and apply policy.* Develops clinical standards and protocols.* Genera te requisitions for patient studies prn/check in patients.* Assign night ly workload to coworkers.* Processes daily charges.* Perform minimum num ber of hours designated a year as charge tech.
Level Charact eristics
Level 1A Polysomnography Technician develops competency in and performs thebasics of polysomnography testing and associated int erventions underdirect supervision of a Polysomnography Technologist 2 o r aPolysomnography Technologist 3, 10 hours of CEUs, selects 1 choice fr oma list of options for professional growth (e.g., member of nationalorg anization, committee work). Must be enrolled in AASM A-Step on-lineeduc ation modules.Level 2A Polysomnography Technologist 2 performs comprehen sive polysomnographytesting and analysis, and associated interventions u nder the generalsupervision of a Polysomnography Technologist (RPSGT) 3 and/or theclinical director (MD, PhD, DO) or designee. A Polysomnograph yTechnologist 2 can provide supervision of a Polysomnography Technician. 12 hours of CE, 10 must be CEUs, selects 3 choices from a list ofoptions for professional growth.Level 3A Polysomnography Technologist 3 works u nder the general supervision ofthe clinical director (M.D., D.O., or PhD ) or designee to providecomprehensive evaluation and treatment of sleep disorders. This mayinvolve polysomnography, diagnostic and therapeutic s ervices or patientcare and education. A Polysomnography Technologist 3 c an perform theduties defined for a Polysomnography Technologist 2 and ma y providesupervision of other staff. 16 hours of CE, 10 must be CEUs, s elects 5choices from a list of options for professional growth.
Minimum Qualifications
Level I High school diploma or GED or 1 year of post-secondary education, or current enrollment in an accredited educational program leading to an Associate's Degree in a health related field with an emphasis in polysomnography or respiratory therapy. Level 2 Associate's Degree in a health related field preferred, or successful completion of a polysomnography, or respiratory therapy program of no less than one year in duration, associated with a state license and/or nationallyaccredited educational facility. Level 3 Associate's Degree in a health related field preferred in polysomnography, or respiratory therapy, or successful completion of a polysomnography program, of no less than one year in duration, associated with a state license and/or nationally accredited educational facility.
Level 1 With an Associate's Degree in a health related field, no experience required; otherwise 6 months of direct patient care experience. Level 2 18 months experience in polysomnography testing preferred or Documented proficiency in all required competencies as a Polysomnography Technician. If no associate's degree in a health related field, must have an additional two years experience in direct patient care. Level 3 4 years experience in Polysomnography Technology required.
Degrees, Licensures, Certifications
Level 1
Registered as a Polysomnography Technologist (RPSGT) with NC Medboard is required per North Carolina Article 42 the Polysomnography Practice Act and maintain current BLS certification or North Carolina Respiratory Care Board (CRT or RRT) license required and maintain current BLS certification.
Level 2
Registered as a Polysomnography Technologist (RPSGT) with NC Medboard is required per North Carolina Article 42 the Polysomnography Practice Act and maintain current BLS certification or North Carolina Respiratory Care Board (CRT or RRT) license required and maintain current BLS certification.
Level 3
Registered as a Polysomnography Technologist (RPSGT) with NC Medboard is required per North Carolina Article 42 the Polysomnography Practice Act and maintain current BLS certification or North Carolina Respiratory Care Board (CRT or RRT) license with the sleep disorders specialist certification (either CRT-SDS or RRT-SDS) required and maintain current BLS certification.
Duke is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer committed to providing employment opportunity without regard to an individual's age, color, disability, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status.
Duke aspires to create a community built on collaboration, innovation, creativity, and belonging. Our collective success depends on the robust exchange of ideas-an exchange that is best when the rich diversity of our perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences flourishes. To achieve this exchange, it is essential that all members of the community feel secure and welcome, that the contributions of all individuals are respected, and that all voices are heard. All members of our community have a responsibility to uphold these values.
Essential Physical Job Functions: Certain jobs at Duke University and Duke University Health System may include essentialjob functions that require specific physical and/or mental abilities. Additional information and provision for requests for reasonable accommodation will be provided by each hiring department.
As a world-class academic and health care system, Duke Health strives to transform medicine and health locally and globally through innovative scientific research, rapid translation of breakthrough discoveries, educating future clinical and scientific leaders, advocating and practicing evidence-based medicine to improve community health, and leading efforts to eliminate health inequalities.